Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Suoh Mikoto 【The Red King,The Third King】

Sorry... For making you do the dirty work...
– Mikoto Suoh, speaking to Reisi Munakata.

♛ HOMRA ♛ 【The Red Clan】- Mikoto is the Red King and the red clan leader, Despite his slacker attitude at times, which has been remarked as being unfitting for someone such as himself, Mikoto is hailed as the most violent-tempered of all the Kings.He is very calm, rarely being irritated or annoyed, and even when his mood changes Mikoto still maintains his composure. Mikoto is an avid smoker, often holding a cigarette and a lighter in each hand. Mikoto is the perfect present for a smoker.
Age: 24
Birthday: August 13
Horoscope: Leo
Height: 185 cm
Gender: Male
Eyes: Amber
Hair: Red
Blood Type: B
Professional Status
Previous Affiliation: HOMRA
Previous Occupation: King
Previous Base of Operations: HOMRA
Aura: Red

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